Ermineskin Nation and TIU Join Forces to build Gleichen Solar Project
Innovative partnership between Ermineskin Cree Nation and TIU Canada marks first year anniversary Calgary, AB September 24, 2024 – The Ermineskin Cree Nation and TIU Canada Ukraine Holdco Ltd. (“TIU Canada”) announced are proud to mark the first-year anniversary of their innovative partnership to build and operate the 13.3MW Gleichen Solar Project. The Project is …
Działoszyce solar power plant construction is complete
Warsaw, Poland, August 29, 2024 — TIU Canada finished constructing its newest solar power plant in Poland. The station is located near the town of Działoszyce in the country’s south. This station becomes the first one by TIU Canada in Poland and will serve the nearest cities with clean and renewable energy. The total output …
TIU Canada expands to Poland – construction of a new solar powerplant started
Warsaw, Poland, June 20, 2023 — TIU Canada, a leading Canadian-based solar energy producer, is proud to announce its expansion into Poland. With a successful track record in Ukraine since 2016 TIU Canada is now bringing its expertise and commitment to renewable energy to Poland. The company has commenced the construction of a new solar …
TIU Canada Donates Winter Clothes to Ukraine’s Military
(Kyiv, Ukraine) – TIU Canada, a leading solar energy producer in Ukraine, donated winter clothes to the Ukrainian military in early spring of this year. More than 1000 items have been delivered to Kyiv and distributed by partners of TIU in early March. The clothes included winter drawers, fleece coats, thermal underwear, socks, and cold-weather …
Jesteśmy dumni z tego, że tworzymy wartość poprzez podejmowanie złożonych wyzwań energetycznych oraz zapewniając lokalnym społecznościom dobre miejsca pracy i zrównoważoną, czystą energię
TIU Canada dokonała największej inwestycji od czasu podpisania umowy o wolnym handlu między naszymi krajami. Te projekty inwestycyjne odgrywają niezwykle ważną rolę w rozwoju regionu.
Elektrownia słoneczna w Nikopolu zapewni światło dla prawie 12 tysięcy mieszkań i już zapewniła miastu 25 nowych miejsc pracy.
Chcę podziękować naszym kanadyjskim inwestorom za ważną rzecz, którą zrobili - pierwszy duży projekt inwestycyjny w Nikopolu. To duży plus dla naszego miasta. To pokazuje, że miasto jest atrakcyjnym miejscem do inwestowania i tworzy nowe miejsca pracy.
Myślimy o przyszłości, dlatego zielona energia będzie jednym z kluczowych sektorów naszej gospodarki w nadchodzących latach. Wiem, że mamy tutaj kanadyjską firmę TIU, która z powodzeniem działa w tym obszarze. Jesteśmy im za to wdzięczni – proszę o podążenie za ich przykładem.
Reagowanie Kryzysowe
+380-50-550-5125Innovative partnership between Ermineskin Cree Nation and TIU Canada marks first year anniversary Calgary, AB September 24, 2024 – The Ermineskin Cree Nation and TIU Canada Ukraine Holdco Ltd. (“TIU Canada”) announced are proud to mark the first-year anniversary of their innovative partnership to build and operate the 13.3MW Gleichen Solar Project. The Project is …
Warsaw, Poland, August 29, 2024 — TIU Canada finished constructing its newest solar power plant in Poland. The station is located near the town of Działoszyce in the country’s south. This station becomes the first one by TIU Canada in Poland and will serve the nearest cities with clean and renewable energy. The total output …
Warsaw, Poland, June 20, 2023 — TIU Canada, a leading Canadian-based solar energy producer, is proud to announce its expansion into Poland. With a successful track record in Ukraine since 2016 TIU Canada is now bringing its expertise and commitment to renewable energy to Poland. The company has commenced the construction of a new solar …
Ukraine is at another policy crossroads as it debates what government support is both effective and sustainable for encouraging the development of renewable energy. The focus is what could and should replace the current incentive feed-in tariffs for new power projects. There can be no debate that renewables do need the support of host governments and international agencies. The …
Opinion: Ukrainians want a democratic, reliable, and economically strong country. With Canada’s help, we will continue efforts to deliver it for our mutual benefit. Ukraine is a trusted friend and partner for Canada. Our relationship spans more than a century of shared family, cultural and political connections. The next step in our ongoing journey together …
Kyiv, Ukraine – TIU Canada has begun construction of a new solar plant near Kalynivka village, in the Mykolaiv region. The new project is called Vita Solar, with a planned peak capacity of 13,5MW, covering an area of 20.2 hectares. The solar panels are produced by Longi Solar, and the inverters are produced by SMA. Mykolaiv region has one of the …
This is who we are! We are TIU Canada – a leading green energy producer and the first investment in Ukraine under the Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement.
This is a short video about our solar station in Kalynivka, Mykolaiv region.